What is HypnoBirthing?
HypnoBirthing® is a childbirth technique and philosophy that focuses on fear release and deep relaxation. Beyond being an evidenced-based childbirth education class, this 5 week program focuses on the relationship between mind and body, exploring how our thoughts shape our experiences, and consequently our births. Through breathing, visualization, and self-hypnosis, HypnoBirthing® supports you in birthing instinctively and without fear.
This online hypnobirthing course is best for parents between 20-36 weeks of pregnancy, regardless of where you are birthing- in a hospital, home, or birthing center. If you’re looking for the best online hypnobirthing classes, this program offers the perfect opportunity to learn from the comfort of your home. Our hypnobirthing course online provides comprehensive lessons that will guide you through the entire pregnancy journey, teaching techniques that can be used during labor and birth. The course is best for parents between 20-36 weeks of pregnancy, whether you’re birthing in a hospital, home, or birthing center.
For those in Delaware or surrounding areas, this class is available online, making it accessible no matter where you are.
What are the benefits?
- Less Fear approaching birth
- Fewer interventions and surgical births
- Decreased use of oxytocics or AROM
- Shorter 1st and 2nd phase labor
- Fewer pre-term and low-weight babies
- Significant reduction in need for pain relief
- Happier and more content mothers & babies
- Babies alert; able to nurse almost immediately
- Few cases of post-partum depression reported
- Infants with higher than average APGAR score
What are the class details?
For 5 consecutive weeks
Classes will be held on Zoom
Book, Workbook, and Meditations